At this moment, Class Buddy's score and weight% concept is not linked to Grade and GPA calculation. This is causing some confusion to new users.
In this article, we are learning the concept of score and weight% with known limitations.
Typical grading work flows as as follows.
Step 1) getting scores for assignments, quizzes and exams
Step 2) calculating final total score or weight average score
Step 3) getting course letter grade using score to grade conversion table
Step 4) converting course letter grade to grade point using GPA grading scale
Step 5) calculating Cumulative GPA
Among these steps, Step 3) is not automated in Class Buddy and Step 1) has some limitation. If you want more about the limitation, please check
In this example, I am taking ART 10A basic drawing course with four assignments and two exams. Let's see how Class Buddy does the calculations.
Step 1 & 2) Score calculation for course grade
The syllabus said
Attendance/Participation: 10%
Assignment 40%
Exam 50%
I break down percentage numbers and assign them to events as follows.
Attendance/Participation: 10%
Assignment 1: 10%
Assignment 2: 10%
Assignment 3: 10%
Assignment 4: 10%
Exam 1: 25%
Exam 2: 25%
At the end of the semester, I got following scores.
Attendance 94% - 94/100
Assignment 1: 10% - 80/100
Assignment 2: 10% - 70/100
Assignment 3: 10% - 90/100
Assignment 4: 10% - 100/100
Exam 1: 25% - 80/100
Exam 4: 25% - 90/100
Now, the calculation goes as follows and this is what you will see in "Term > Course > Overview" screen
Attendance: 10% * 94 = 9.4
Assignment 1: 10% * 80 = 8
Assignment 2: 10% * 70 = 7
Assignment 3: 10% * 90 = 9
Assignment 4: 10% * 100 = 10
Exam 1: 30% * 80 = 20
Exam 2: 30% * 90 = 22.5
Total = 9.4+8+7+9+10+20+22.5 = 85.9
And this "85.9" becomes your average weighted score for the ART 10A
Class buddy's score work ends here.
Step 3) Course grade determination.
Final course grade is determined by instructor based on your average weighted score or total score.
You can simply enter the course grade in "Course edit" screen. Class Buddy doesn't calculate this automatically.
If you want to do your own calculation to cross-check the given grade, you can do little manual work as syllabus instructs.
For example, my Art course has following score to grade conversion table in syllabus.
A: 100-91
B: 90-81
C: 80-71
D: 70-61
F: 60 and under
Now, I see my grade becomes B because my final weighed average score is 85.9.
I enter this letter grade in "Grade" field in the course.
Step 4) Grade point determination
In the step, Class Buddy convert course letter grade to grade point using Grading scale table in Settings.
Since I got "B" grade, the grade point becomes 3.0
Step 5) Cumulative GPA calculation
Then, Class Buddy will take care of remaining GPA calculation using (1) the grade point and (2) credit hour.
For example,
If you have taken three courses along with the Art 10A class in this semester.
Micro Economics - 3 units(credit) grade A
ART 10A - 3 units(credit) grade B
Managerial accounting - 2 units(credit) grade A
Your GPA for this semester will be
[A:4, B:3, C:2, D:1, F:0]
Total grade point / Total number of units = ( (3*4) + (3*3) + (2*4) )/ (3+3+2) = 3.63