would it be possible to make the widget transparent?
after I put in my grades in middle of semester it just adds the points but doesn't give a running grade in class. it would also be nice to be able to tell it what grade I want to end & based off grades I have inputted it tell me what grade I need to get on the homework still scheduled.
1. I would enjoy the option to name "class".
2. Automatic mute on class would be an useful option.
3. an ability to set multiple professors within one course would be extremely helpful as the person giving the lecture doesn't necessarily give the practical class and setting different courses for lecture and practical would be kinda pointless.
An option for half semester classes would be nice.
our week start day is on Saturday
Is there a way to mark a lesson as cancelled or late?
evernote support.
the ability to assign a specific color for each class. Possibly an icon as well?
it would be very useful if on the home screen widget, you could see events that have not been marked completed regardless of date.
it'd also be useful feature to have a day the assignment is assigned and a day it is due. it's really difficult to keep track of events if you put them in on the day assigned and the widget only showing future events.
The only addition I would like to see is the ability to break projects into tasks. The assignment section for projects gets cluttered for me.
is there so any chance on the next update the notes field could be available in the multi event creator as this would help greatly.
One feature I would really like to see is the option for the widget to show "all incomplete/unattended events" including past due events, possibly in red, rather than just future events.
I was wondering if there was a way to input information via my desktop computer.
Would it be possible for when creating assignments and projects to have a "date assigned" option and a "date due" option?
I think it would greatly improve the app if you added the ability to display your timetable
I would love to sync from Google calendar instead of to since my school uploads the schedule to Google.
each course(s) should have a color indicator in the main menu, so would know how many assignment, quiz , test or task in a particular day in the calender by just looking at the color dot or tiny square.
Another suggestion would be to have a proportion calendar block size. I don't like the elongated rectangle. Instead, have them a bit short, like a square. There you would have space at the bottom of the calendar. Also, that empty space can act like a container where when I tap on a day, It would show only subject event with the dot color indicator for that day. And when I tap the event inside of that box, a pop up would show and gives the full detail.
I have a functionality suggestion: it would be really nice if the app could either sync different types of events to different calendars, or sync tasks to Google Calendar's tasks. Then, a widget for the tasks would be really appreciable.
The point is that I can't see all college appointments and out class appointments in one place (like calendar's web page). In a first moment, just the task sync functionality would be ok, as this way people could use other app to have a widget (i use Taskos).
I miss being able to set monday to first day of week, and seeing a calendar when choosing dates for events. Also, the order of terms over date chooser is confusing because of mismatch with day, month, year ordering of date chooser.
One thing I found missing is to be able to set the first day of week manually. It always starts on Sunday and having it adjustable will allow the application to be used easier and more organized for customers purchasing this application in countries where the week doesn't start on Sunday.
I love this application; it does everything I need! I was just wondering to make a suggestion...would it be possible to somehow be able to sync the events to one's Google Calendar without the Clss:, etc., prefix?
How about making the home screen widget, the task list, or the "this week" list show items needing to be completed up to date? As I go through my list of things needing to be done from last week's classes, it would sure be helpful!
There needs to be an option to add reminders a lot easier than going into each individual item, I have 52 items for one class and a total of 4 and this takes me almost an hour to do and I really don't think it should. I love the features of the .csv and Google Docs which took me a little bit to figure out but now that I have gotten it down it is really valuable.
In my school we have exams open for a few days at a time, is there a chance you could add the functionality to have certain events for a set amount of days or a time period that includes an end date as well as time?
I would love to see more Google sync integration. The calendar and task list sync could be more transparent
I would like an income option, student/register tab & a half term option.
It would be cool to have a "required textbook" section in course info page complete with barcode reader and isbn
Is there any way to delete the week number in the calendar view? I try to add a remark for Sundays and the week number is always in the way
would you consider doing, a teacher version? Would like a class register facility, being able to set a timetable and being able to link these things together, and being able to set lesson plans to a few groups without having to reenter all the info for 3 separate classes.
I want to request a bigger widget. Hope you can make it 4x4
It would be nive to have a tool to add more than 1 processor to a course, for ex, i have some courses that have various types of classes, i have theorical, lab classes and pratical classes
Is there a way when you are setting up your assignments that all of the items regarding reminders are on the page when listing out quizzes, exams, anything with a followup. Also same issue, can you set the reminders to be daily, every other day or when ever you want the child to followup for studying for the items listed.
Can you please nest the Google Calendar sync function within each individual class' settings? That way it would allow the user to sync different classes to different calendars, rather than all to the same calendar.
noticed that there are separate "events" for almost every activity. While this should still be available separately, how about integrating those "events" as add-ons to any class event? For many students, assignments, quizzes, exams, etc. will also be associated with a scheduled class time. By offering this as an add-on to a class event, the student only has to enter the time/date data once. Then simply click a checkbox for the add-on and enter a notes section for additional details. This also helps to avoid three to four separate calendar entries for one class on one day.
The only caveat would be that those add-ons would still need a way of standing out in the agenda view to avoid being mistaken for only a regular class meeting.
However it would help me if there was an option to add tasks to the widget. Would it be possible to add tasks to the widget if required?
It would be cool to send backups to email!
Is there a way that I can get class buddy to display my time table?
The only 2 request I a have are that you make it Honeycomb optimized and add the option to put in MULTIPLE Instructors. Every one of my classes have multiple Instructors. In some situations I have an Instructor for the lecture portion of the class and an instructor for the lab portion of class. In some classes that are only lecture, but have multiple instructers teaching the class.
I use an app called widget locker. And i would like to be able to place a shortcut to each of my classes on the lock screen. When adding items to the lock screen, you have the option to add "shortcuts" from the android list of shortcuts. For example, you can place a shortcut to open a gmail label inbox directly. I know that it is possible for third party Apps to have their shortcuts show up here
One feature this lacks is a book list. I input all my reading assignments and it's a chore to keep typing in the same book names over and over. 4.0Student handled this pretty well. Also, I think it would be easier to load professor information from the Contacts list.
Not all events that happen in a student's life are related to classes. What about appointments that are not class related Dr., club, work there is no way to accurately put them in, that I have found.
add a setting for the default view when the app is opened so that it goes straight to the course list instead of having to click on the term and then the class.
Is it possible to copy the courses?
Cause we have for the 1. and 2. semester the same subjects.
in future versions a general calendar not attached to classes would be nice for organization, college and departmental meetings
Method to input prior cumulative GPA and Credit hours, other than creating all prior term/course/grade data
Method to create user defined 'custom' Event type, perhaps a limit of 5!
Enable All event types with an optional 'Start Time', which could be left blank as needed
When using the Multi-Event Creator include the option to add 'Notes'
Provide an option to delete events of the same type
Add tax rate to be used with the expense list, with an option to make an individual item taxable or non-taxable
Under settings, provide a global 'default' reminder to be used for ALL events (Hr/Min format)
Additional notification times to choose for Day (1, 3, and 5) and Week (1, 2, etc...) this would be useful for long term events (projects, and user defined events)
bidirectional sync with Google Calendar
The only event that I can use is class because its the only one with a begin and end time. I'm a nursing student and have labs but my lab time are assigned and have end times. Is there any way you can add end times to labs, meetings, etc. Maybe even a clinical event with begin and end times.
I would like more event categories. It might be a good idea to have the option to add categories.
I would prefer my term list to go from 'present to future' dates, from top to bottom. How can I sort the term list without having to delete everything and re-enter it all again?
It would be awesome if you had an option so that when in the calendar view it automatically lists (in text) the course, time, and location on the day, and every other day that the course(s) takes place, so that I don't have to tap every day to find that information. I know that you can add a remark for the days so that it shows text reminders but that is only for individual days.
I was wondering if there was a way to add an alarm to multiple events at once. Specifically I want to set an alarm for all my classes but having to click on each event and setting a reminder individually would take forever.
I can't find how to change the weeks in the calendar to start from Sunday, isn't this option implemented in the demo/full version?
I would like to be also able to track my study time using this app. A simple time tracker with the ability to add note for each entry would be tremendously useful to me. I request you please add the feature.
Many colleges and universities use Google apps. Will you incorporate Google Tasks into Class Buddy? Thank you.
One feature that I instantly think that it missing is a excel-like table with my classes. That is my suggestion. You should put one for each period, so I can see how my weekly hours are!